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T Apple MobileMe exec chosen as Thumbplay CTO

Apple's MobileMe technology executive has been appointed chief technology officer at Thumbplay, the cloud-based music company said on Monday.

(Credit: Apple)

Pablo Calamera was most recently director of Apple's MobileMe, and spent a total of 10 years at the company over the course of his career. In the newly created position of CTO, he will report directly to Evan Schwartz, Thumbplay CEO and co-founder.

Thumbplay said Calamera will oversee all technology initiatives, including its new cloud-based music service. Thumbplay, in private beta in the U.S., offers unlimited, on-demand access to songs. Thumbplay Music is currently available for select BlackBerry devices, but the company has plans to roll out support for Android and the iPhone in 2010.

In addition to his time at Apple, Calamera also spent six years at technology company Danger and two years at WebTV.

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